
发展控制所需的技术专长和战略眼光, 识别和管理风险 工商管理学士学位(风险管理和保险) 在PG电子试玩平台 福克斯商学院. 该项目让学生接触到管理财产责任风险的问题, 人力资本风险与国际风险. 学生还可以在退休计划方面获得更深入的专业知识, 风险融资, 健康福利、员工福利和企业风险管理.

This 124-credit undergraduate degree will prepare students to examine 和 find solutions to the risks that affect the bot汤姆 line of major corporations 和 companies in a multinational setting. 通过创新的课程和现实世界的经验, you’ll gain the skills necessary to mitigate risk through insurance 和 other mechanisms of risk transfer. You will also learn to respond to numerous uncertainties around property liability exposures 和 employee benefits programs.

邓波儿在风险管理和保险工商管理硕士课程中提供三个课程, 这取决于你想要学习的课程.

  • 员工福利
  • 医疗风险
  • 财产责任和公司风险

研究生s of PG电子试玩平台APP的 Risk Management 和 Insurance BBA program have found success in the employee benefit consulting, 承销, 以及各大企业的风险管理部门, 包括

  • 一切险有限公司.,
  • 确定合作伙伴,
  • 布朗和布朗,
  • 丘伯保险锁保险,
  • 中央社,
  • 伟大的美国人,
  • Lockton,
  • 慕尼黑再保险公司
  • 宾夕法尼亚伐木人互助银行,
  • 信实标准及
  • 揣恩.

学生也将有机会参与 Iota Sigma, national award-winning professional student Risk Management 和 Actuarial Science organization at Temple. 通过加入, you will benefit from real-world knowledge shared by guest speakers currently leading the industry. 你也将和研究生一起工作, 教职员工有机会参加一系列职业发展研讨会.



风险管理部, Insurance 和 Healthcare Management offers Risk Management 和 Insurance courses that complement the Department of 人力资源管理's courses for students interested in a career in employee benefits 和/or human resource management. These courses allow students to broaden their career options by taking advantage of the cross-training offered by these departments.


  • 管理人力资本风险
  • 退休计划.

For more information on joint 人力资源管理/Risk Management 和 Insurance courses, 联系

詹姆斯一世. Hilliard


Knowledge 和 experience gained from the Risk Management 和 Insurance BBA major prepares students for a number of post-graduate exams, 包括 特许财产意外保险公司 (CPCU)考试和 注册雇员福利专员 (CEBS)考试. 这样的名称表明了围绕复杂主题的专业知识, 包括员工福利计划, 医疗管理, 退休计划, 财产意外保险及风险管理. 获得CPCU或CEBS认证会让你在就业市场上具有竞争优势.


风险学系多元化的师资队伍, Insurance 和 Healthcare Management brings extensive real-world knowledge to this degree program, with some professors holding more than 25 years of high-level industry experience in risk management 和 insurance economics. 教授们在一系列相关期刊上发表过文章,包括 风险与保险杂志, 风险与不确定性杂志风险管理和保险审查, 《北美精算评论, 银行与金融杂志,和 法学与经济学杂志. Among the many accolades faculty members have earned over the years are the Shin 研究 Excellence Award, 亚当·斯密学术卓越和教育领导奖, 以及PG电子试玩平台杰出教师奖. 教师 are also active in the field 和 hold leadership positions within risk management 和 insurance professional societies, 以及 美国风险与保险协会, 南方风险和保险协会西部风险与保险协会

类 & 课程 

Core courses vary across the three tracks of study within the 风险管理与保险专业 program.




学费 & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, Bachelor of Business Administration offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 你可以看到完整的 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


宾夕法尼亚州居民: $23,712.00 /年
州外: $43,080.00 /年

学生俱乐部 & 组织


You can focus on Risk Management 和 Insurance or you can take one of the following concentrations.

  • 医疗保健风险管理

    探索风险管理之间的动态关系, quality improvement 和 patient safety 和 learn how these aspects impact the business of healthcare 和 patient health. 检查财务状况, technological 和 health services systems required to successfully operate 医疗管理 organizations. Students participate in h和s-on exercises 和 experiences at an area healthcare institution to bridge the gap between the classroom 和 various practices of risk management. 

  • 管理企业风险

    Gain a comprehensive underst和ing of risk management within complex global organizations 和 corporations. 学习如何使用关键风险指标等工具识别和管理新出现的风险, 风险地图, 风险登记册及其他. Students also obtain foundational knowledge of the financial characteristics of the property-liability insurance industry as well as noninsurance financing techniques available to corporations. 

  • 管理人力资本风险

    检查健康和福利员工福利计划的运作和设计问题. 学生将分析个人退休和养老金计划的类型, 以及组织管理的其他员工福利主题. 主题包括员工持股, 资金问题, 团体保险, 医疗成本, 管理式医疗计划, 州和联邦法规, 储蓄计划, 税收的影响, 和更多的.